Plan, Build and Deploy

Fully configured, production-ready cloud solutions.


Stacks are reference deployment offerings that are used to deploy a fully configured software solution in the cloud. Stacks are used to automate the creation and integration of cloud infrastructure and are often used for pilots and proof-of-concepts. They can be made production-ready in a matter of weeks, or even days. Stacks provide users with a way to deploy cloud software solutions seamlessly in their cloud environment with the click of a button and provide publishers with an appealing method for offering a variety of cloud solutions to customers.

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Stack Product Features

Qloudable Features

Easy to Use

Fill in the blanks to publish or deploy – one click and you’re ready!


Go from demos to full deployments or training, quick and easy.


Full control over your deployment, set limits and config.


Quick deployment of cloud infrastructure with solution templates.


Customize your deployment to suit your needs.


Multiple offers to choose from, purchase licenses directly.


Single-pane status monitoring dashboard is provided.


Deploy infrastructure on any major cloud platform.

Stack Value-Added Services

Additional services for publishers to enhance the stack experience.


Customer success team will help you get started fast and publish your solutions.

Design & Build

Our team will work with publishers to help design and build their Stack offer.


Validation, testing, and quality control before and after publishing.


Customer support and technical support for integration into 3rd-party systems.

Ready to Deploy?

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